
Tuesday, August 21, 2012

day 37

want to feel good about the person you see in the mirror? if so, here's a simple tip: don't betray your conscience. it is said that character is what we are when nobody is watching. how true. when we do things that we know aren't right, we try to hide themfrom our families and friends. but even then, God is watching. few things in life torment us more than a guilty conscince. and, few things in life provide more contentment then the knowledge that we are obeying the conscience that God has places in our earts. if you sincerely want to create the best possible life for yourselfand your loved ones, never forsake your conscience. and remember this: when you walk with God, your character will take care of itself...and you wont need to look over your shoulder to see who, besides God, is watching.
another from my book^^
prayer requests?

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