
Tuesday, December 11, 2012

day 168

If God had a phone, email, Facebook, Twitter, an actual address, I think more people would communicate with Him. More people would be willing to talk to Him. If you got an IM from Him, maybe you'd be more willing to talk about problems you're having and ask for His help. You'd say thank you more often. Maybe God would even use Skype. If God called you, you'd probably answer quicker. If God actually came to stay in your house, maybe you act different. Maybe you wouldn't. Maybe you'd even be the one to send the invite. Maybe you'd be more willing to serve Him, to serve others. As convenient as all those things would be, and as nice a fantasy as that may sound, we don't need any of it. Our God is more than enough for us. All we need is Him. There. That's it. That's more than we could ever imagine. More than we could ever ask for. More than we deserve, but look. We've got Him. More importantly, He's got us. Me being the texter I am, I'd love it if God had a cell phone. Life would be easier. Nobody said being a Christ follower is easy. Humans are never satisfied. Why wish for different or better communication when people struggle with the means of communicating with Him that we already have?! It's just crazy. Work with what you have. Because what you have is the absolute greatest gift ever. Period.
Prayer requests?

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