
Tuesday, November 27, 2012

day 156

Dear friends, don't let this one thing escape you: with the Lord one day is like 1,000 years, and 1,000 years like one day. -2Peter 3:8 Holman CSB
Every day you keep God waiting, that's tremendous amount of time. I did some calculations, and if you make God wait for you one day, you're keeping him waiting for about 8,660,000 hours. That's a huge number! Math is not my strongsuit, so this could be a wrong number, but still. That's a very long time. And our God is SO patient with us! After a week or two, I get tired of waiting for people. God's patience is just mind blowing. So the next time you get mad and say, "I don't want to talk to God today," or "I've had a really busy day, there's just no time," or flat-out "I'm ignoring God," take time and think about how long that is. Would you like to be ignored for that long? Would you be patient if EVERYBODY kept blowing you off? Talk to God. Time's up. Enough is enough.
Any prayer requests?

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