
Monday, November 26, 2012

Day 155

Usually when you think of depositing something you think of going to the bank. There are four other types of deposits: 1)the Holy Spirit being deposited in you
2)you being deposited in the place you're at [both broad and specific]
3)the Word of God being deposited in you
4)you and your gifts deposited to others
These are all good types of deposits, but if they're ignored and pushed to the side, what good can they do? What do you hold onto that keeps you from experiencing God's promise? Is it your pride, expectations, prejudices, traditions? Don't let your expectations, judgements and desires get in the way of what God's plan is for you. When was the last time you consulted God for something? When was the last time you asked God about your own mission in life? Hmm. Something to think about.
Prayer requests?

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