Fear of the Lord: An attitude of humble reverence or worship in the presence of God more than dread and fright.
Proverbs 1:7 The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and discipline.
Should we live in terror of God?
The phrase the fear of the Lord is the beginning...wisdom is the cornerstone of Proverbs. Fear is actually another word for reverence or worship, suggesting that wisdom begins when we properly acknowledge who God is and offer him the worship he deserves. It reminds us that life's true significance is discovered when we approach God with an attitude of humility and awe, no dread and fright.
The reminder of Proverbs explains how we can fear God in our daily lives. Whether the topic is wealth, work or marriage, we are called to give God the honor due him by obeying his will in each of these areas. A wise person will humbly seek God's perspective on a matter before acting, but the fool will throw caution to the wind and act on his own impulses.
What's the result of ignoring God and doing it our way? There is a way that seems right to a man, but in the end it leads to death. But the person who fears God, who daily worships and honors him, has nothing to fear in either life or death.
-Excerpt from my Quest Study Bible
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