
Friday, February 15, 2013

day 196

Son-sun Set
"Don't let the sun set on your heavy heart
Forgiveness can find you wherever you are
Let go of your pride and step you from the dark
Don't let the sun set on your heavy heart." -Sidewalk Prophets
       When you can't sleep, there's something weighing you dowm. Maybe you physically feel some extra weight tugging at you. When I was little, my dad would always want to change my bed sheets after I took a bath, so I wouldn't have to sleep on dirty sheets right after getting clean. I never liked the idea because it took too long in my mind to put together a clean resting place. Though I never admitted to it, I did find it a very nice feeling to be tucked inside a clan bed. God is our resting place and we should want to get rid of the dirt we bring; we should want to have clean sheets. Don't be afraid to admit it. There's nothing to be ashamed of. Repenting holds growth and wisdom and maturity--not shame. Don't let the sun set on your heavy heart. Allow yourself to sleep. Stop holding yourself back. Don't let the Son set on your heavy heart.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Day 195

"Send Your rain, Oh Lord
Send Your rain, Oh Lord
Send Your rain to Your people

Send Your rain, Oh Lord
Send Your rain, Oh Lord
Send Your rain
Bring Your kingdom"

How many of you know that God's rain is the best kind of rain and that His rain brings His kingdom, that it brings eternal life?God's rain is righteous; it strengthens and builds us. If our Father brings us TO a situation, he will being us THROUGH it. Our God is faithful, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love. If something so great, so far beyond our imagination, can come from Him, why slow down the process? There's no shame in telling God your struggles and sins. Besides, He knows.